Equinoxes signal the changing of the seasons.
The seasons on Earth change because the planet is slightly tilted on it's axis as it travels around the sun.
A solstice and an equinox are sort of opposites.
The summer solstice has the longest daylight, with winer solstice having the longest night.
During an equinox the days and nights are exactly the same length due to the position of the sun.
The equinoxes occur on certain days, but an equinox is not the whole day—it is the moment when the sun is directly over the Earth’s equator.
The equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is the opposite of the Southern Hemisphere. Making the seasons reversed.
In California, the vernal equinox falls on March 20 at 2:24 p.m. PDT, as the sun crosses the celestial equator going north.
This equinox marks the beginning of spring, which lasts until the summer solstice on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 7:57 AM
The autumnal equinox is on Friday, September 22, 2023, 11:49 PM, marking the beginning of autumn.
Other interesting facts about the equinox:
The word equinox comes from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night)
The sun rises due east and sets due west after the equinox.
The fastest sunsets and sunrises of the year happen after the equinoxes. That's the length of time it takes for the entire sun to sink below the horizon.
The vernal equinox brings earlier sunrises, later sunsets, and sprouting plants. Spring time!
Spring Equinox marks a threshold crossing, when nature's energy shifts from the confines of winter's dormancy to new awakenings.
Maybe it's time to do some spring cleaning in your life and plan a new adventure.
