Every breath we take is our life force, but the breaths we take can give us a better or lower quality of life, depending upon how we breathe.
Breathing has been studied for thousands of years.
We take 25000 breaths a day. Each breath is important and should be taken through the nose as much as possible.
Over 50 percent of people are mouth breathers, especially women.
Humm, maybe because we talk more??
If you snore, have Sleep Apnea, Asthma, or COPD, then you’re probably a mouth breather and could benefit from learning to breathe through your nose more efficiently.
Nostril breathing can be strengthened by just doing it. There are muscles and tissues in your sinuses, nostrils, and throughout your respiratory tract that can be strengthened with use.
The same token goes for your diaphragm, if you don’t use it, you lose it, it gets weaker and makes its job much harder.
What is the diaphragm and what does it do?
It’s a parachute-shaped muscle that is the main and most important muscle for breathing.
It works the way an old-fashioned bellows works. When it expands it draws air in, when it contracts or squeezes, it presses air out.
The Diaphragm pulls air into the lungs by drawing it downward and out toward your belly button. Your belly and ribs expand.
To exhale, drawing in and up through the lower belly will facilitate pushing air out of the lungs.
Many people pull their bellies in when inhaling causing the diaphragm to restrict and making the upper chest, neck, and shoulder muscles contract and tighten, causing tension and strain.
Using the diaphragm for breathing also releases pressure on your Psoas (a strong hip flexor).
Food for thought: If your hip flexors are tight you may not be breathing deeply or through your nose. It’s all connected.
Mouth breathing can put the body into a state of stress, cause fatigue, and sap athletic performance.
Some of the side effects of mouth breathing are, but not limited to:
Elevate your heart rate,
Activate your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight)
Cause dental problems, cavities, crooked teeth, poor bite, periodontal disease, bad breath, and dry mouth.
Respiratory and sinus infections.
Digestive upset.
Foggy brain or confusion
More prone to colds and allergies.
Poor sleep, Sleep apnea, snoring, sleeplessness, tiredness
Posture problems and muscle fatigue, neck and chest tension, hip flexor tightness, TMJ tension, headaches, and low back tension.
Reduced production of nitric oxide (NO), which contributes to many diseases and dysfunctions
Increase anxiety and panic attacks.
Inability to concentrate, and hyperactivity
I could go on and on, but you get the point.
Mouth breathing is BAD for your health.
Breathing through the nose can:
Filter dust, bacteria, virus, and other airborne particles from inhaled air.
Activate Parasympathetic (calming) nervous system (relax and digest)
Humidify, pressurize, and warm air.
Lower your risk of allergies and hay fever
Increase airflow to arteries, veins, and nerves.
Increase oxygen uptake and circulation.
Slow breathing
Slow heart rate
Can lower blood pressure
Give energy
Improve lung capacity
Make it easier to access and strengthen the diaphragm
Aid your immune system
Increase production of Nitric Oxide (NO)
Lower the risk of snoring and sleep apnea
Support the correct formation of teeth and mouth
Reduce stress
May improve cognitive function
And that is not the entire list...
Do I make my point?
There are MANY different techniques for nasal breathing.....
You can try them or just :
Seal your lips, put a smile on your face, and breathe through your nose -
I HIGHLY recommend this book. It is available in audible as well as book form.

Very informative, l am a “mouth breather” and very accurate assessment of how it feels.